Seven years.
Did you know that the average lifespan of a goldfish is seven years? I had no idea.
Seven years is also the average length of a marriage in the United States. A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary. In the grand scheme of things, 27 years doesn't seem like that long. In the eyes of the world, though, it's almost four times longer than the average United States marriage that ends in divorce (
I come from a family in which divorce was something that was never even talked about. I had one friend whose parents were divorced, but other than that, I really didn't even have any interaction with anyone who had experienced it. My kids, on the other hand, have more friends with divorced parents than friends whose parents are still happily married. One weekend, they will go to their friend's mom's house, and next weekend they will spend time with his or her dad. It's the reality of the world in which they are being raised. As a result, young adults are less likely to want to enter into a marital relationship.
In a talk given to seminary and institute teachers, Sister Julie Beck said:
Many of our youth are losing confidence in the institution of families. They’re placing more and more value on education and less and less importance on forming an eternal family. Many don’t see forming families as a faith-based work. For them, it’s a selection process much like shopping. Many also distrust their own moral strength and the moral strength of their peers. Because temptations are so fierce, many are not sure they can be successful in keeping covenants (March 2011).
I wonder about my kids. What can I do to help them regain confidence in and yearn for the blessings of a family? I can teach them by example. I can show them the blessings that I've received from being married to their father. I can love their father. I think 27 years is a great start.
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